Tag  |  godliness

aligning actions with beliefs

Ephesians 4:20-24: But that isn’t what you learned about Christ. Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from Him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to…

taking God for granted

I’m not going to join the track team again! I said that to myself countless times during my years in school. But every track season, there I was, back on the team.

Why did I have a love/hate relationship with track? The training! During practice, we pushed our perceived physical limits and strove for perfection. And all that training led…

the xy factor

Strategy games have never been my desire on game night. I remember the first time my husband taught me how to play RISK. Being a strong melancholy woman, I was devastated when after 2 hours of playing I had only a handful of soldiers to show for my efforts. In contrast, my husband had amassed a huge army—wiping me off…

what follows...

Someone close to me (and to those I love) recently made some poor decisions that affected us all, and what followed wasn’t pretty. Pain. Grief. Suffering. Those words capture the essence of the bitter sting brought by foolish choices.

You’ve been there. We all have. Broken and strained relationships can haunt our days with all the ragged emotions and troubled…

seeing potholes

Potholes can be a pain. If a car tire hits a deep one, we’re talking some serious damage. That’s why the idea of Italian engineering students Domenico Diego and Cristina Corradini is so bright—literally! The duo, noting that many potholes in Europe aren’t repaired due to lack of funding, have come up with something called the Street Safe initiative. Their creative…


Michael Forbes has lived on the Aberdeenshire dunes in Scotland for 41 years. His rustic buildings never bothered his neighbors, but they’re an eyesore to Donald Trump, who is building a luxury hotel and golf course nearby. Trump offered Forbes free golf and above market value for his 23 acres, but Forbes replied that he wouldn’t leave for any amount…


Have you ever noticed how people tend to like firefighters more than police officers? Every day, these brave souls are willing to face the flames and put their lives on the line for us—and they don’t issue speeding tickets or take us to jail.

Police officers in Joseph Wambaugh’s novels often say something like this to each other: “Well, if…


For our family, vacations are treasured getaways from the demands of regular life. We enjoy visiting a variety of places, but one particular theme park has been a staple. Not wanting to exhaust our children when they were little, we limited our visits to one-day passes. We recently embarked, however, on the coveted multi-day experience. After 5 days of park…

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